With over 29 years experience in coldwater trout and salmon biology, habitat management, and temperate rainforest ecosystems, we bring up-to-date science to your project needs.
Chinook Salmon, Columbia River, Oregon
As scientists-biologists, we understand the complexities and processes of aquatic ecosystems and the organisms that inhabit them. As experienced management biologists, we understand the ramifications and challenges of preserving and restoring native fish populations.
Spawning adult Bull Trout, Cascade range, Oregon
Spawning survey, wild pink salmon, Prince William Sound, Alaska
We have conducted work on salmon and trout projects for federal and local government agencies, and private companies throughout Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California and have written peer-reviewed scientific articles, white papers, and monitoring reports, and have made presentations at scientific conferences such as the American Fisheries Society and the North American Association for Environmental Education.
Spawning Chinook Salmon, Columbia River, Oregon
We provide expertise in all facets of aquatic biology and sampling, including stream surveys, aquatic organism monitoring, smolt trapping, fish presence/absence and upper limit surveys, stream restoration, water quality monitoring, and underwater surveys.
We have conducted Large-wood salmon restoration by helicopter and spider backhoe, operated full-capture weirs, rotary screw-traps, radio-telemetry, tagging studies, road decommissioning, and fish passage through culverts and under bridges. We use the latest, up-to-date science and methods in project design, planning and implementation.
View some of our work at the links below:
Habitat Utilization and Seasonal movements of radio-tagged Copper River Delta, Alaska Coastal Cutthroat Trout-
Pages 77-84 in the Proceedings of the 2005 Coastal Cutthroat trout Symposium:
Bull Run Lake Cutthroat trout tributary spawning report, 1999-2006
Coastal cutthroat trout shoal spawning in a high montane lake of the Cascade Range of Oregon 2007
Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game- Nomination for waters important to anadromous fish, Dolly Varden field data 1991